Today in the “I will be a healthy pregnant person!” chronicles…

I did 30 minutes on the elliptical, super easy and slow. I felt accomplished! Halfway to my steps goal for the day and it’s only 1pm just about.

Did some grocery shopping at the Edeka earlier, and stocked up on some healthier snacks (which I have actually been craving!). Brie, baguette, and grapes…carrots to dip in Ranch (shut up, it’s better than the other snack items in my pantry!). Veggies for my wraps. I did good!

I finally did the math on what I actually weigh now. about 140-145. This means that I’ve put on about 25 lbs since moving to Germany in June. That’s actually not that bad, considering I stopped watching what I ate for a long while, and started drinking again, had two failed pregnancies, stopped running, and am now pregnant again. That’s actually not bad at all.

So all in all, maintaining my health should be a lot easier than I was thinking, and I should bounce back a lot more easily if I can maintain this for the most part, as well as maintain my physical activity.

I think the key here will be holding myself accountable. Forgive me for my future boring accountability posts, readers.

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