Welcome to the world, sweetest girl

Fiona Ruth K was born via successful VBAC on December 1, 2015 at 11:05am CET. Water broke at 3am while I was in bed, and we arrived at the hospital right in time for active labor to begin. Fifteen minutes of pushing and a small episiotomy later, and my darling little daughter was here…a very quick and overwhelming experience.

She is perfect; lazy and sweet, dark haired and dark eyed (so far…they are slate gray), calm and observant. Her big brother worships the ground she drools on, and her Daddy is already wrapped around her little finger. As for me? I am so beyond smitten, it’s ridiculous.

I’m recovering well so far, but days 3-5 were truly the worst pain I can remember. C-section recovery was easier for me because the climax of pain was immediately after surgery; standing for the first time and taking the first shower. After that, it wasn’t so bad and it definitely got better each day without getting worse. That being said, I had a planned c-section with a remarkably smooth recovery compared to most people. For me, the swelling around the stitches on day 5 after my VBAC was crippling. I couldn’t walk. I cried to Eric about what a mistake I had made and questioned why anyone would EVER choose this over major abdominal surgery. Because logic. Then I woke up on Day 6 and could suddenly walk standing up straight. Each day has been an improvement, even when small.

Anyway, I’d love to write a longer entry but I’m tired and a glass of wine is calling my name! Here she is, in all of her snoozy fuzzy glory 🙂
